The truth is: no!
I'd love to tell you exactly where to start but I don't know how mobile you currently are!
Instead I recommend dabbling in the movement assessments and learning a little bit about how your body moves (basically find the stiff bits).
After that it's your choice where you go next! Either based on your interest or a specific area you want to improve.
The lessons are listed from Easier > Harder so if you're unsure, start on something more gentle, when it feels too easy you can move on until you find one that challenges you. Then you can repeat that until it feels easier or pick and choose other lessons as you see fits.
The point of this Library is to be just that, a place you can choose what's right for you & learn as you go along, at your pace
If you're ever unsure, just pop a message on the facebook group & I'll do what I can to help!